1. When did you last use Council's Statutory Planning Service?
2. For what purpose did you use the statutory planning service?

Choose as many as apply

3. How did you access Council’s statutory planning service?

Choose as many as apply

4. When you have used the planning service, did you find the information and advice you received satisfactory?
If yes, please tick any of the following reasons why the service was satisfactory?
If no, why did you find the service unsatisfactory?

5. In regards to customer service, Council has four commitments:

  • Simple
  • Empathetic
  • Consistent
  • Effective

In regards to the planning service, what can Council improve on most?

6. If Council invested in digital services for Planning to enable applications and information to be better managed online, would you use these online services?

Please list them in order of most to least important.

Please fill out your details below if you would like to be contacted if Council engages further with survey respondents.

Please fill out your details below.

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