Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the concept designs

The Diamond Valley Library outdoor space is undergoing an upgrade funded by the Growing Suburbs Fund.

Concept designs have been drafted to include play elements that include the addition of sensory and exploratory play which promote imagination and active play.

Stage 1 – Enclosed Outdoor Area (fenced area)

Stage one of the works involves the rejuvenation of the enclosed outdoor area to the south of the library and would include:

  • Tree House
  • Climbable surfaces
  • Balance elements
  • Sensory elements including sound
  • Accessible elements
  • Seating areas to be configured in a way that larger events can be held outside. This will also allow for teaching and educational programs within the community garden.
  • A multi-purpose lawn area which can incorporate synthetic or natural grass elements.
  • A suitable mobile coffee cart to be included.

Stage 2 - Front Entrance Area

Stage two is the front area, which includes an upgrade of the accessible path and car park as well as landscaping to create a new outdoor relaxed gathering / quiet area. Library users can retreat here with a book or connect to the wi-fi for work or study.

Stage two or elements of it, will only be constructed as part of this project as the budget permits. Preliminary estimates suggest stage two is likely to be completed at a future date when additional funding becomes available, rather than as part of this project.

The area located next to the library’s entrance to be enhanced can include:

  • Seating
  • Landscaping and planting
  • An accessible gathering/quiet area
  • Upgrading the existing accessible entry path
  • Improvements to the existing accessible car parking
  • Improved Lighting
  • Large “LIBRARY” sign to be painted on exterior wall next to carpark.

Feedback closed 11.59pm Sunday 18 June

Draft concept designs