Welcome to Participate Nillumbik

Participate Nillumbik is Council's online community engagement site. This is where you can help inform Council’s decision-making by sharing your ideas or feedback on a variety of projects. You can also get updates on projects and hear about how your input has contributed to Council’s decisions.

Participate Nillumbik provides the community with a convenient and easy way to engage. It helps to ensure that we hear from more community members, and hear a broad range of perspectives.

It doesn't replace, but complements traditional face-to-face engagement activities including workshops, displays, forums and mail outs. You'll be able to find out about all the ways you can participate on this site.

All comments, ideas and suggestions are collated into a report which is given to Council and shared with the community so that everyone can see all the feedback that was received. The community's input is used to inform Council decision making processes for the development of strategies, programs and activities. Online feedback is used in conjunction with other face-to-face consultation activities such as workshops, meetings, and surveys.

By signing up to Participate Nillumbik, you can choose to receive an emailed newsletter letting you know about new projects or updates to existing projects.

When you sign up, you'll be asked to create a username, password and provide a valid email address. You'll also be asked to provide a few details - your year of birth, gender and location. These details will help us check that we're hearing from a broad cross-section of our community.

Nillumbik Council will only use your email to invite you to participate in new projects and update you on existing ones. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose. More information is available in our Privacy Policy.

If you are having problems logging in, have forgotten your password, want to change an answer you've submitted or have a question about the site, you can contact the Engagement Team by emailing engagement@nillumbik.vic.gov.au