New amenities coming to Alistair Knox Park

New amenities will include:

  • Two accessible toilets
  • Four standard cubicle toilets
  • A Changing Places facility

A Changing Places facility ensures people with high support needs and their families/carers can take part in all aspects of community life. They are larger than standard accessible toilets and have extra features and more circulation space. They include a height-adjustable adult-sized change table, a ceiling track hoist system, a centrally-located peninsula toilet, privacy screen and automatic door. There is enough space for up to two carers to support someone with a disability. To find out more about Changing Places facilities, please visit: Changing Places across Australia

  • New accessible parking
  • Accessible access path from Panther Place connecting the facility and other features of the park

Location and design

The amenities have been designed using universal access principles to ensure everyone can access the public toilets at Alistair Knox Park while using the playground, Eltham Library and Panther Place.

The concept designs can be viewed below.

Accessing the Changing Places facility

To ensure Changing Places facilities are used only by the people who require them, they are fitted with a Master Locksmith Access Key (MLAK). MLAK is a national keying system that uses a universal lock and key so people with disability and their carers can access a Changing Places facility at any time and have confidence it’s in good, safe, clean condition, day or night. MLAK keys are available for people with disability (at no cost) by visiting Council’s Customer Service Centre at Civic Drive, Greensborough. MLAK keys will also be promoted and made available at additional locations in and around Alistair Knox park for people with disability, once the build is complete.

Feedback has now closed.

Concept Designs

Feedback received

Response to feedback

Thank you to all community members who have taken the time to provide comments on the concept plan for the 'Changing Places' facility at Alistair Knox Park, Eltham.

Your feedback has been considered and responses outlined here.