Before After

Raised zebra pedestrian crossing

Before After
Before After

What we proposed

Proposed changes on Pryor Street include replacing two existing pedestrian crossings with raised pedestrian zebra crossings and constructing a new raised threshold pedestrian zebra crossing at the Main Road intersection.

What we heard

Of the contributions received via Participate Nillumbik, 70% supported the proposedraised pedestrian zebra crossings on Pryor Street.

  • Support enhancements to the existing pedestrian crossings on Pryor Street;
  • These proposals would improve safety for pedestrians and provide more street crossing options;
  • The raised threshold crossings will be far more noticeable to motorists than the current crossings which many motorists seem to ignore;
  • Concern that the crossing at the corner of Pryor Street is going to result in cars entering Pryor Street blocking Main Road while they wait for pedestrians; and
  • No support to the introduction of ‘1P Ticket' parking signage on the signage schedule (#25) on the Commercial Place.