Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the draft Creative Infrastructure Framework

The Creative Infrastructure Framework will be a decision making tool which provides Council with clear guidance on the delivery and development of creative spaces.

Its purpose is to identify:

  • critical gaps in creative infrastructure
  • key upgrade/re-purposing opportunities
  • strategic opportunities for new infrastructure
  • opportunities for enhanced governance and advocacy arrangements

It will set the course for change across the Shire to ensure we improve the use of existing space and resources, and develop future spaces, resources and initiatives to support cultural and artistic activity in all its forms.

The Framework draws from community engagement data, the Arts and Culture Strategy 2022-26 Community Consultation Report, infrastructure audits, and arts activity mapping.

From this research eight challenges and opportunities have been identified:

  1. Suitability of Council’s existing spaces
  2. Needs of all creatives are not being met
  3. Lack of exhibition spaces
  4. Support for contemporary and emerging art forms is limited
  5. Funding and resourcing challenge
  6. Need for more advocacy for creative industries
  7. Greater representation and inclusion
  8. More diversity of spaces for representation and inclusion

The following 4 strategic directions are outlined in the draft Creative Infrastructure Framework.

To read a full copy of the draft Creative Infrastructure Framework click here or download a copy from the Document Library.

Feedback has now closed.

Next steps

Council will review the feedback and also consider verbal submissions at the Planning and Consultation Committee meeting in early 2024. Date to be confirmed.

To register to speak at the Planning and Consultation Committee meeting click here