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Objective 2: Create vibrant activity centres and employment precincts in Eltham and Diamond Creek

Do you support Objective 2?
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The Strategy identifies a number of key actions required to implement this objective.

If you have any comments on any of the actions, you can provide them below.

Develop the vibrancy and viability of the Eltham and Diamond Creek activity centres including the implementation of strategies to secure anchor employer tenants.

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Collaborate with trader associations and local businesses to develop and implement a plan to address escape expenditure.

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Facilitate the growth of a night-time economy.

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Identify existing and potential employment land to accommodate future business and employment growth.

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Support the supply and diversity of housing stock in strategic areas to respond to changing market needs.

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Support the development of Nillumbik’s local centres.

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Strengthen Nillumbik as both a place to live and play for locals and visitors.

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Develop a long-term Shire Plan based on current forecasts and community values.

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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Privacy Collection Notice

Nillumbik Shire Council is collecting your personal information for the purpose of facilitating effective community engagement in relation to Council’s Economic Development Strategy 2020-2030.

The full content of a personal submission including any name/s is a public record and may be made available for public inspection and included in Council business papers.

Anonymous personal submissions will not be accepted as only registered users of the Participate Nillumbik site can complete the feedback form. Names will not be redacted unless anonymity is expressly requested and confidentiality granted to a submission.

The full content of a submission made on behalf of an organisation in relation to Council’s draft Economic Development Strategy, including the name of the organisation is a public record and may be made available for public inspection and included in Council business papers.

Information collected as a registered user (other than your name) on the Participate Nillumbik site is not deemed to be part of your submission.

You have the right to access and correct your personal information. Enquiries for access should be made to the Privacy Officer 9433 3271, or PO Box 476, Greensborough Vic 3088.