Thank you for sharing your ideas with us to help us better understand our visitors and make sure we offer the best possible experience at Edendale Community Environment Farm.

2. How often do you visit Edendale?
3. When you visit Edendale, how long do you stay on average?
5. Please indicate how many people from each age range are in your group today or are usually in your group when you visit.
5 or more
Play group
Years P-2
Years 3-4
Years 5-6
Years 7-10
Years 11-12
Age 18-30
Age 31 - 65
Age 65+
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7. Do you ever buy plants at the Indigenous Plant Nursery?
8. Which of the following ideas for possible improvements would you like to see at Edendale?
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9. Would you recommend Edendale to family and friends?
You have 1000 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.