Movement and Access Framework Plan

Eltham Theme 3 map


  • To enhance access to public transport services and to accommodate the ongoing maintenance and progressive updates to Eltham Station and the Hurstbridge Line in accordance with the anticipated growth in demand for public transport services, including providing adequate commuter parking.
  • To connect the eastern and western sides of the rail line and improve the Centre’s walkable catchment, including by removing the rail crossing.
  • To better facilitate the design of parking and access areas is safe, practical and attractive.
  • To improve car park management and design including designated accessible bays.
  • To establish the commercial and retail precincts of the centre as ‘pedestrian priority areas’.
  • To provide for and strengthen circulation networks and linkages between the Eltham Town Centre (Precincts 1-5) and the BSBA and other destinations in and around the Activity Centre.
  • To improve visual and physical connections (including wayfinding signage) between the Diamond Creek Trail and key destinations within the Activity Centre.
  • To create a network that encourages people to walk and cycle safely to, and within the centre.
  • To create new and improved pedestrian and cyclist connectivity across the railway line.
  • To create better pedestrian connectivity between the eastern and western sides of Main Road.
  • To encourage traffic calming measures on Main Road to improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists, whilst adequately maintaining traffic flow.
  • To minimise the extent and adverse impact of Bible Street being used as a “rat run” around the Eltham Town Centre.


  • Develop and implement a program to improve pedestrian movement and adequately maintain traffic flow on Main Road between Bridge and Cecil Streets. Development of the program should include, but not limited to, consideration of the following:

- Improvements to the intersection of Main Road and Diamond Street to reduce congestion and alleviate safety concerns;

- Replacing the roundabout at the intersection of Luck Street and Main Road with traffic signals;

- Signalising the intersection of Main Road and Arthur Street; and

- If additional intersections are to be signalised, the optimum location and need for the existing pedestrian crossing at the entrance to the Eltham Arcade.

  • Liaise with the Department of Transport (DoT) to advocate for the removal of the level crossing.
  • Investigate options to relocate the train stabling yards to enable the development of Precinct 3.
  • Investigate implementation of an additional 200 commuter car spaces adjacent to the train station and 200 car spaces adjacent to the Eltham Library. Carparking should be decked into the building or sleeved with other uses that provides active frontages, or passive surveillance at a minimum.
  • Liaise with DoT to advocate for the implementation of on-road cycle lanes on Main Road, Brougham Street, Bridge Street, Susan Street and Bolton Street.
  • Liaise with Vic Track and DoT to investigate additional pedestrian/ cyclist bridge over the rail line to improve connectivity and legibility between the eastern and western sides of the Activity Centre and beyond.
  • Investigate improvements to the bus interchange to cater for bus demand as well as improving the internal patronage circulation.
  • Investigate improvements to the entrance and underpass to the train station including lighting.
  • Implement a 3 metre wide shared path (pedestrian and cycling) connecting from the Eltham Library to the train station, adjacent to the rail reserve.
  • Investigate shared path connection along Youth Road connecting to the Diamond Creek Trail.
  • Investigate the partial or full pedestrianisation of Commercial Place between Luck Street and Pryor Street, subject to sufficiently providing for traffic flow and parking within the vicinity.
  • Implement lighting, paving, and landscaping through existing at grade car parks and across the rail line, ensuring they are safe and inviting spaces.
  • Investigate improved pedestrian/ cycling connection east west under the rail line on Panther Place (footpath currently not formalised).
  • Provide bike and mobility scooter parking at highly frequented facilities such as supermarkets and the train station. Consider the need for recharge points for electric bikes and mobility scooters.
  • Investigate a shared path connection along rail line between Sherbourne Road and Alastair Knox Park.
  • Develop and implement a program to minimise “rat running” along Bible Street. Development of the program should include, but not be limited to, consideration of the following:

- Replace the school crossing on Bible Street, near Henry Street, with a raised pedestrian crossing;

- Improve the intersection treatment at the intersection of Bible and Arthur Streets;

- Improve the intersection treatment at Bible and Pryor Streets;

- Use 2-hour parking restrictions on Bible Street; and

- Improve the flow of vehicular traffic on Main Road between Cecil and Bridge Streets (whilst still protecting and enhancing pedestrian movement and safety). For example, by:

▫ Providing an optimum flow of intersections and pedestrian crossings; and
▫ Utilising any capacity to better coordinate traffic signals.
  • Develop and implement a program to optimise the provision of pedestrian crossings on busy side streets in the Eltham Town Centre. Development of the program should include, but not be limited to, consideration of the following:
Luck Street
- Move the existing pedestrian crossing to just east of Commercial Place and install a raised pedestrian crossing with flashing warning lights; and
- Signalise the intersection of Main Road and Luck Street to provide a further dedicated pedestrian crossing of Luck Street, but downhill from Commercial Place.

Pryor Street

- Leave the pedestrian crossing in its existing position and install a raised pedestrian crossing with flashing warning lights; and
- Install a raised threshold treatment at the intersection of Pryor Street and Main Road.

Arthur Street
- Optimise the location of pedestrian crossings; and
- Raise pedestrian crossings and install flashing warning lights