Eltham: Precinct 12 Plan

Eltham Precinct 12 map

Preferred character statement

This precinct is to form a coherent mix of light industrial supported by emergent industries with an improved address the public realm with active frontages and a good sense of address. All on-site car parking, service and loading areas will be concealed to the rear of sites. Additional linkages through the BSBA and an improved public realm with facilitate increased pedestrian movement. Improved canopy landscaping will soften the hard edge industrial built qualities.


  • To continue to support light industrial uses, supported by emergent industries.
  • To encourage office appendages with active uses and passive surveillance opportunities to the front of industrial sheds and warehouses.
  • To encourage design and façade treatment which demarcates building entries.
  • To avoid pedestrian and vehicle conflict by separating access points.
  • To encourage improvements to streets which create an attractive environment for pedestrians.
  • To prioritise the provision of direct, connected and well maintained public footpaths.
  • To ensure car parking does not impinge on or erode the quality of pedestrian areas.
  • To encourage the use of environmentally sustainable design principles for the built form and surrounding land.


  • Encourage light industrial uses with some provision of emergent industries in the form of food and drink premises such as night clubs, music venues, breweries and artisanal food production.
  • Investigate the provision of pedestrian crossings at the intersection of Silver Street and Brisbane Street and on Susan Street, connecting to Alistair Knox Park.
  • Improve footpath surface treatments along Brisbane Street and Silver Street.
  • Provide footpaths on parts of the northern and western sided of Brisbane Street.
  • Investigate the opportunity to provide shared path adjacent to the rail line.