Eltham: Precinct 2 Plan

Eltham Precinct 2 map

Preferred character statement

This is a transition area between the retail core and the residential areas to the east, south and north of the centre. The precinct should provide opportunities for more medium density housing, both town houses and apartments and include some opportunities for small to medium scale office use. Non-residential development should maintain a residential appearance with generous landscaped front setbacks.


  • To encourage medium density housing, while also providing some small to medium scale office use.
  • To provide a transition in built form scale between the core commercial area and adjoining residential areas.
  • To ensure non-residential development maintains a residential appearance.
  • To encourage landscaping in the front and side setbacks.
  • To protect and enhance the amenity within the activity centre and surrounding established residential neighbouhoods.
  • To minimise the extent and adverse impact of Bible Street being used as a “rat run” by traffic around the Eltham Town Centre.


  • Use and development of non residential uses should:

- be compatible with surrounding residential use, scale and intensity;

- generally serve local community needs; and

- reflect the pattern of existing building siting and massing within the precinct.

  • Consideration will be given to increased residential density on consolidated development sites of 1500 square metres or greater.
  • Develop and implement a program to minimise the extent and impact of “rat running” by vehicles along Bible Street.

Design Guidelines

  • Developments should incorporate:

- A 5.5m landscaped front setback from the property boundary.

- A 4.0m side setbacks to allow for small, more slender trees that contribute to the landscape character.

- A 7.0m rear setback to respond to the existing backyard character.

  • Crossovers and driveways to access carparking/ garages from the front should be limited.
  • New development should avoid high solid fencing.
  • Buildings should be designed to preserve views from adjoining residential properties to the treed hilltops to the west.
  • Buildings with larger footprints should be designed with split levels to respond to the natural topography.
  • Main pedestrian entrances should be clearly legible from the street and demarcated with strong architectural and landscape features including wayfinding signage.
  • New development should appear to have domestic quality and respond to the residential character of the area.
  • Building materiality should consist of a mix of timber, stone, mudbrick, galvanised corrugated sheet metal and other natural materials and colours that bend in with the natural environment/ native vegetation. The palette of materials may also include recycled, recyclable and/ or renewable materials and elements.