Thank you for having your say on the draft Housing Strategy

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your contributions to the draft Housing Strategy 2024.

On 16 June 2024, the Victorian Government announced draft Housing Targets for each local government area (LGA) in Victoria. These targets, once finalised, will be part of the Plan for Victoria, providing a strategic planning vision and supporting the Government’s ambitious goal of 2.2 million+ new homes by 2051.

The targets are currently in draft form, and Nillumbik Council has put in a submission to the state government seeking to balance development growth as expected from the state government with Nillumbik's various constraints, including neighbourhood character, bushfire risks, and other factors. Council adopted the submission at its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 27 August 2024. You can view Council's submission via the links below:

Plan for Victoria Submission - Nillumbik Shire Council

Attachment A - Nillumbik Housing Targets Advice - Ethos Urban

You can stay up to date on the progress of the Plan for Victoria and the housing targets via the State’s Engage Victoria site.

Next Steps

At the Planning and Consultation Committee meeting of 16 July 2024, the committee noted that the draft Housing Strategy will remain on hold pending the release of the Victorian State government’s final housing target, expected by the end of 2024.

Once Council understands the final housing targets, which will require further analysis, an updated draft Housing Strategy will be prepared for community consultation next year (2025), subject to Council endorsement.

    🏡Engagement Outcomes


    Draft Nillumbik Housing Strategy 2024

    Draft Nillumbik Housing Strategy 2024

    Priority areas

    Priority areas

    The following themes informing areas of priority actions for the Housing Strategy have been identified:

    Nillumbik Draft Housing Vision

    Interactive mapping tool