Project update

In October 2018, the need for a fit for purpose Men’s Shed in Hurstbridge was identified as a priority through community feedback and confirmed as part of the Open Space Precinct Plan Graysharps Road, Hurstbridge.

On 23 June 2020, Council endorsed Officers to conduct community engagement on the proposed site, 4 Hurstbridge-Arthurs Creek Rd, Hurstbridge.

A Community Consultation and Engagement Plan was developed which included online, hard copy survey, question and answer sessions, face to face and virtual meeting options. The primary aim of the survey was to obtain feedback on the proposed future men’s shed site at 4 Hurstbridge-Arthurs Creek Rd, Hurstbridge.

59 survey responses and three submissions were received with 90.4% ‘supporting’, 4.8% ‘not supporting’, and 4.8% ‘maybe supporting’ the site.

The results demonstrate that the respondents are in favour of the site and the project’s benefit to the community. Some respondents stated that men’s health is a priority and that this project will positively contribute to wellbeing outcomes for men in the local area.

Several respondents identified a number of planning and design considerations which will be taken into account in the next phase of the project.

On 11 August, 2020, Council endorsed the recommendations for next steps at the Future Nillumbik Committee.

The recommendations were as follows:

That the Committee (acting under delegation from Council):

1. Endorse 4 Hurstbridge-Arthurs Creek Road Hurstbridge to be the future site for the Hurstbridge Men’s Shed.

2. Endorse the establishment of a number of key stakeholder working groups to inform and manage the project: a Project Control Group, a Community Reference Group and a Project Review and Evaluation Panel.

3. Endorse the development of a masterplan and schematic designs to inform overall project elements and costs by February 2021.

4. Note the lead role the Hurstbridge Men’s Shed will play in seeking and securing external funding for the proposed new shed, in consultation with Council Officers.

Feedback collected during the consultation process will be considered in the development of the Masterplan and designs. It is proposed that a Community Reference Group be established to inform the Project Working Group in designing and delivering the Plan. The Master Plan will outline design elements and budget requirements for the build. Further preliminary investigations will be undertaken prior to the development of a Master Plan. Officers have also identified the important role that Hurstbridge Men’s Shed and local community stakeholder’s play in ensuring the site is appealing, purposeful and meets local need, and as such supports a partnership approach with the establishment of Community Reference Group.

The Hurstbridge Men’s Shed members recognise they have a lead role in seeking and securing funding from government and philanthropic sources for the project.

About the project

Hurstbridge Men’s Shed (HMS) originated as a men’s group at Allwood House in Hurstbridge, and have had a thriving existence for many years. They became incorporated in 2015 to become the Hurstbridge Men’s Shed. However, since 2015 they have been utilising a temporary location within the Hurstbridge Basketball Stadium with a strong desire to one day occupy a permanent home. They have a current membership of 10. Over the years more community members have expressed interest in becoming involved, however the current location limits the ability to expand.

The HMS are confident that a fit for purpose building will help increase their membership base.

Late 2019 the Hurstbridge Men's Shed approached Council to request assistance with identifying possible sites for a future shed and a number of sites were investigated.

On 23 June 2020, Council resolved to seek community feedback on their preferred proposed site of 4 Hurstbridge-Arthur’s Creek Road, Hurstbridge for a future mens shed. (see map in key documents).

Further background information on this proposal can be found under key documents.

Feedback on this proposal must be provided by completing a survey. This can be done either online or by filling out a hard copy survey at Hurstbridge, Eltham and Diamond Creek branches of Bendigo Bank Community Bank.

Feedback will be collected from Bendigo Bank Community Bank at 3pm on 19 July 2020.

It is important to note that no design has been created around this site location and further site investigations will need to be undertaken in future stages.This is the first stage of the process.

All community feedback received will be collated into a findings report and will be presented at the next Future Nillumbik Committee meeting on the 11 August 2020 for Council consideration.

Community members have the opportunity to speak at this meeting and will need to register click here

Responses to this survey will be collated into a findings report and will be presented at the next Future Nillumbik Committee on the 11 August 2020 for Council consideration.

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