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Council has received a proposal to name the Civic Drive Precinct (reserve area), Greensborough ‘Kirrip Park’. ‘Kirrip’ is the Woi-wurrung word for friend.

At present the park area does not have a registered name with the Registrar of Geographic Names – Vicnames.

The name has been suggested by local community group ‘The Friends of Apollo Parkways’ to reflect the parks purpose as a meeting place where ‘friends’ can enjoy the playground, open space, basketball and outdoor performance space.

The name also aligns with the public artwork ‘Family and Future (Past, Present and Future…Emerging) by indigenous artist Fiona Clarke, which adorns a wall of the adjacent Diamond Valley Sports and Fitness Centre.

Other names had been submitted through previous consultation processes, but did not receive support from Geographic Names Victoria as they had already been used for other places.

As part of the proposed naming of Civic Drive Precinct (Park) to ‘Kirrip Park’, it is proposed that the following areas of the Park are also named in connection with the word ‘Kirrip’, these include:

  • Building being named 'Kirrip Pavillion'
  • Outdoor Performance Area named 'Kirrip Outdoor Performance Space'
  • Playground being named 'Kirrip Playspace'; and
  • Exercise/Flat Open Space Area being named 'Kirrip Recreation Space'.

All name submissions must comply with Naming Rules for Places in Victoria – Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities – 2022.

Feedback has now closed.

Naming Rules for Places in Victoria 2022

  • Ensuring public safety
  • Recognising the public interest
  • Linking the name to place
  • Ensuring names are not duplicated
  • Recognition and use of Traditional Owner languages
  • Names must not discriminate or be offensive
  • Gender equality
  • Dual names (naming with two distinct parts, usually one part of non- Traditional Owner language origin and the other of Traditional Owner language origin
  • Using commemorative names
  • Using commercial and business names - not allowed unless exemption
  • Language (Names should be easy to pronounce. Prefixes, symbols, punctuation marks and abbreviations are not allowed.)
  • Directional names to be avoided
  • Assigning extent to a road, feature or locality (Council must clearly define the area and/or extent to which the name will apply.)

Further information on these general principles and the Naming Rules can be accessed via the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website at: Understand the naming process (