The Further Strategic Work section of the planning scheme (Clause 74.02) is a concise list of work a council intends to undertake before the next planning scheme review (occurring on a 4 yearly cycle), which is subsequently then set out in a schedule to this clause. The work must have a land use and development focus and must relate to matters that can be implemented through a planning scheme. It should be noted that this list of further work may not be budgeted for and will require funds to be appointed in future budget cycles to undertake and complete projects.

The identification of further strategic work is useful for a council to set strategic priorities and obtain funding for a project. However, as these strategic intentions are not fully formed and have not had the benefit of strategic work to underpin them, there is a risk that they can be used as speculative policy and lead to decisions being made that are not based on adopted policy.

Importantly to note, the identification of further strategic work is not a requirement of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and does not form part of the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) or Planning Policy Framework (PPF).

However, although not formally part of the MPS, Clause 74.02 Further Strategic Work has been included in the package of information with the draft MPS. The reason for this is that some of the issues raised through previous consultation and in other Council strategies, require further strategic work in order for their consideration in changing/adding content to the planning scheme. If the work to support the strategic directions has not been undertaken, then that matter cannot be included in the MPS, however it may be identified as further strategic work in Clause 74.02 or elsewhere in a council work or business plan.

Click here to access the draft Clause 74.02 Further Strategic Work written ordinance document.

Note: survey has now closed.