Theme 2: Green Wedge

Key Objective 1

Recognise the rural areas (land zoned Rural Conservation or Green Wedge) contain sites of environmental and landscape significance, natural resource based activities and residences.

Key Objective 2

Protect our Green Wedge and its environmental integrity to ensure a safe haven for native wildlife, thriving biodiversity and native vegetation

Key Objective 3

Recognise that the rural areas often lack existing infrastructure. Including essential services, community facilities and internet coverage.

Key Objective 4

Acknowledgment of land use conflict between agricultural and rural residential land uses and a risk that further residential development will fragment rural land into unviable land parcels.

Key Objective 5

Manage the issues of land use conflict, resource use and environmental management arising from the diversity of uses through sustainable land use and natural resource management.

Key Objective 5

Ensure development in rural areas mitigates potential fire risk.

Key Objective 6

Avoid sensitive use and development on land that contains or may contain unacceptable levels of soil contamination, unless testing and necessary remedial treatment have been undertaken. Advocate to State Government to undertake Shire Wide testing and analysis of contaminated land.

Key Objective 7

Protect and enhance agricultural land for both its productive potential and environmental value.

Key Objective 8

Our connection to the Green Wedge is celebrated by all who live, work or enjoy their time in it.