To provide your feedback on the revised Draft Bushfire Mitigation Strategy, please complete the form below.

Click on the blue text to see the relevant parts of the strategy.


Four strategic priorities will shape the Bushfire Mitigation Strategy.

QUESTION 1: Do you agree with the four strategic priorities?


Four operating principles will guide Council’s frameworks, plans and actions around risk management and bushfire mitigation within Nillumbik Shire.

QUESTION 2: Do you agree with these four operating principles for risk management and bushfire mitigation


Each of the four strategic priorities has been allocated high-level objectives (goals) that will guide the three-year Bushfire Mitigation Implementation Plan.

Please note the goal number that each of your comments relates to.

Do you wish to speak to your submission at the Future Nillumbik Committee (FNC) meeting on 11 June 2019 at 7.30pm, at the Civic Centre, Civic Drive, Greensborough.

If you wish to speak at the FNC meeting on 11 June, you must complete the details below.

Each speaker is allowed three minutes to speak to an agenda item. They may also speak on behalf of one other person or organisation for a further period of up to three minutes. No person may speak on behalf of more than one other person or organisation.

You will be recorded as part of the meeting proceedings when addressing the Committee and your name printed in the minutes. The audio recording of the meeting will be published on Council's website.

The personal information requested on this form is being collected by Council if you wish to speak to a committee item. This information will be used solely by Council for that primary, or directly related, purpose. The applicant understands that the personal information provided is if you wish to speak to a committee item and that they may apply to Council for access to and/or amendment of the information.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have applied to speak at FNC here, you do not need to apply on Council's website

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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.